Social Contribution Activities
Basic approach
In its Sustainability Charter, artience group states, "As a manufacturing company, we will coexist with society by creating and providing value to our customers and consumers through our products and services, earn the trust of our stakeholders, and fulfill our responsibilities as a corporate citizen."
Based on the idea of contributing to society through our business as a good corporate citizen and fostering a corporate culture that values social contribution, we provide "education for the next generation" such as social experience classes and factory tours to get students interested in chemistry, "environmental conservation" through tree planting and community cleanup activities, and "community contribution" through cooperation and support for local communities and activities aimed at solving problems with residents and local communities. By continuing to work in these three areas, we will fulfill our social responsibilities as a member of the communities in which we conduct our corporate activities and strive for coexistence and co-prosperity.
Promotion system
Based on the basic policy of social contribution activities, the general affairs and administrative departments of each site take the lead in promoting activities. In Japan, we have established a volunteer leave system to support employee volunteer activities.
In addition, donations to NPOs, NGOs, disaster recovery support, etc. are made based on appropriate judgment based on internal regulations.
We will fulfill our social responsibilities as a member of the community in which we conduct corporate activities and strive for coexistence and co-prosperity by continuing to engage in the following three areas: "education for the next generation" such as social experience classes and factory tours to encourage students to take an interest in chemistry, "environmental conservation" through tree planting and community cleanup activities, and "community contribution" through cooperation and support for local communities and activities aimed at solving issues for residents and local communities.
- Introduction of volunteer leave system
- Collection and recycling of used clear holders
- Main Activities in Fiscal 2023