Group Materiality 2025-2030
Based on the management plan artience 2027/2030 "GROWTH" that started in FY2024 and the sustainability vision asv2050/2030 that has been in operation since FY2022, artience group has formulated an impact materiality that identifies the key issues that the Group's sustainability management should address in the period up to 2030. The formulation of this new Group materiality was carried out by the formulation team led by the Sustainability Committee Secretariat, and the opinions of internal and external stakeholders were collected and reflected through in-house workshops, interviews with external experts, and KPI interviews with the heads of related departments.
The Group's materiality consists of 15 themes (issue areas) that have been evaluated as having a significant impact on both social demands and initiatives for the Group's sustainable growth, and we have set actions (action items) for each theme, KPIs/target values to measure the progress of actions, and measures to be implemented (qualitative targets). In addition, these 15 issues are summarized in four pillars corresponding to ASV2050/2030.
The Group Materiality has been set as the starting year for FY2025, and FY2030 has been set as the target year, which is the same as the Management Plan and Sustainability Vision. The plan also includes revisions to coincide with the timing of the formulation of the next medium-term management plan.
The previous materiality "Five Material Issues (Group Materiality 2018-2023)" is introduced below.
- Provision of "value that resonates with the senses" through products and services
- Reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing
- 人的資本を重視する経営
- Formation of a management foundation that is trusted and continues to co-create value
1. Provision of "value that resonates with the senses" through products and services
This pillar summarizes the key issues related to "value proposition." In addition, it is linked to Pillar 1 of ASV2050/2030, "Provision of products and services that realize a sustainable society."
With the aim of making artience group 's Brand Promise" Create value that resonates with the senses, build a future where all people can live enriched lives" a reality, we have set the provision of "products and services" and "decarbonization," one of the values they bring to the value chain, as the top two issues of the Group's materiality.
Themes (Areas of Issue) | Actions (issue action items) |
Products & Services | Focusing on strategic priority businesses, we will increase sales of products that contribute to sustainability. |
Decarbonization | Promote GHG emissions reduction and decarbonization throughout the value chain |

artience group has made it a re-important task to provide products and services that contribute to the improvement of environmental and social sustainability, and thereby deliver "value that resonates with the senses" to client companies and the people who lie ahead of them, based on "social contribution based on our core business" as the basis of the Group's sustainability activities. In particular, in the period up to 2030, we will focus on the markets of the strategic priority businesses covered in the management plan artience 2027/2030 "GROWTH" as our main targets. This is where we will introduce the Group's "sustainability contribution products" to achieve our management plan and ASV2050/2030 targets.
action | Focusing on strategically key businesses, the company aims to increase sales of * products that contribute to sustainability. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
* Sustainability Contributing Products: artience group defines products that provide "environmental value" (realization of a society that coexists with the environment) and "life value" (realization of a comfortable, healthy, and safe society) to client companies (users) and consumers (consumers). Candidate products submitted by the Group's operating companies are reviewed and certified by the Sustainability Contribution Product Certification Secretariat within Sustainability Committee.

In order to solve the most important social and environmental issue of climate change control, artience group In addition to reducing GHG (greenhouse gases) emitted by the company, we need to procure raw materials upstream of the value chain, use of products (production and processing of finished products) by client companies downstream, logistics (transportation and delivery) and sales activities, It is necessary to develop products with the intention of minimizing the total GHG emissions from the use of the final product by consumers to disposal and recycling. In some cases, we believe that a shift from partial optimization to total optimization, in which emissions increase at some stages of the value chain but can be reduced as a whole, will lead to a solution to the problem.
action | Promote GHG emissions reduction and decarbonization throughout the value chain |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
2. Reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing
This pillar summarizes important issues related to environmental impact. In addition, it is linked to Pillar 2 of ASV2050/2030, "Reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing."
In the chemical manufacturing industry, including artience group, the negative impact of business activities on the environment is greater than in other industries. Based on this fact, the Group has decided to take the lead in tackling various environmental issues, and has identified four issues that the Group's activities have assessed to have a significant impact: climate change, water management, waste/resource recycling, and pollution prevention/chemical substances.
Themes (Areas of Issue) | Actions (issue action items) |
climate change | Reduce GHG emissions in all directions and contribute to the reduction of climate change. |
Water Management | Improve water use at production sites and contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and living environment. |
waste Resource Recycling |
Reduce waste at production sites and offices, and promote resource recycling in the value chain. |
Pollution Prevention Chemicals |
Thoroughly prevent pollution of air, water, and soil, and aim for production activities with zero environmental pollution. |

Controlling climate change, that is, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, is one of the most important issues in global society and the environment. The first thing that artience group should do to address this issue is to minimize the amount of GHG emitted directly and indirectly through the fuel and electricity used in our production activities (= Scope 1 + 2 emissions).
In addition, we will increase cooperation with suppliers to reduce emissions from raw materials (Scope 3 Category 1), which account for the largest share of the Group's total GHG emissions, and emissions from the transportation of raw materials (Scope 3 Category 4).
action | Reduce GHG emissions in all directions and contribute to the reduction of climate change. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
* In formulating the Group Materiality, we changed the wording of the GHG emission reduction targets set forth in the previous ASV2030. The previous targets of "CO2 emissions: 35% reduction in Japan compared to FY2020 and 35% reduction in overseas BAU in FY2030" are emissions calculated based on Japan's Global Warming Countermeasures Act (Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures) for both Japan and overseas. In this wording change, in accordance with the GHG Protocol, an international initiative, we have recalculated the previous target value within the calculation range of the entire group that does not distinguish between Japan and overseas.

Among natural capital, the perception of freshwater resources differs greatly between Japan and overseas. Although it is difficult to recall in Japan, where water is abundant, water management is one of the most important social and environmental issues on a global scale. For example, in water-stressed areas where freshwater resources are scarce, people living there compete for water that is scarce in their livelihoods, industries, and natural environment.
As a corporate citizen with a major social responsibility, artience group protects the lives of local people and the rich natural environment through an approach of using and recycling water as little as possible, and taking the lead in protecting and restoring water resources.
action | Improve water use at production sites and contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and living environment. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

We believe that reducing waste and curbing resource consumption is one of our responsibilities to future generations. Since 2008, artience group has continuously achieved zero emission * in total at its domestic production bases, but overseas is still to come. In addition to reducing waste generation, we will take on the challenge of achieving zero emissions for the entire Group, including overseas, by increasing in-house reuse, recycling by external disposal companies, and the sale and transfer of valuable materials.
In addition, with regard to plastics, which face the important global issue of resource recycling, we will strengthen the promotion of recycling in product packaging materials and logistics materials, and work together with resource conservation.
action | Reduce waste at production sites and offices, and promote resource recycling in the value chain. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
* Zero emissions: This is an initiative advocated by the United Nations University to reduce emissions to zero as much as possible through waste recycling. artience group defines zero emissions as a state in which the ratio of final disposal to waste generated (final disposal rate) is 1% or less.

The prevention of air, water, and soil pollution and the management of hazardous chemical substances are important issues that are strongly demanded by society in the chemical manufacturing industry. Zero emissions of all of the chemical substances used in this index should be aimed at zero, and we are working to minimize emissions by promoting thorough chemical substance management, collection and leakage prevention measures at all stages of product formulation development, raw material selection, production processes, purification systems, and monitoring systems.
Pollution prevention laws and regulations in the countries and regions in which artience group operates are becoming stronger and stricter year by year, but we will protect the right to livelihood and the natural environment of the communities in the areas where we operate by taking measures that exceed them.
action | Thoroughly prevent pollution of air, water, and soil, and aim for production activities with zero environmental pollution. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
3. Management that emphasizes human capital
This pillar summarizes important issues related to people, such as human rights and human resources. It is also linked to the goals related to ASV2050/2030 in Pillar 3 "Building a Trusted Enterprise Foundation."
artience group Corporate Philosophy "People-oriented management" is at the root of our corporate stance, and in order to respect the wishes of not only our employees but also all people involved in the Group's corporate activities, we have identified four issues that we should address as a company: SCM, respect for human rights/DE&I, human capital, and occupational safety/health management.
Themes (Areas of Issue) | Actions (issue action items) |
SCM | Building a supply chain that enables responsible sourcing of raw materials |
Respect for Human Rights DE&I |
Create a gender-free work environment where human rights and diversity are respected |
Human Capital | Through the development of human resources who support challenges, we will increase the career advancement and engagement of employees. |
Occupational Safety Health and Productivity Management |
Raise the level of occupational safety and employee health in the workplace and create a safe work environment |

Now that it has become a global consensus that a company should be responsible for the sustainability of the entire supply chain to which it belongs, there is a need to further raise the level of human rights violations, occupational health and safety, and conflict minerals in particular, as essential issues in supply chain management, along with environmental responses.
artience group considers the supply chain to be a community, and strives to improve the sustainability of the supply chain and expand the scope of the supply chain by sharing awareness of issues, grasping the current situation through self-assessment, auditing activities, and continuing improvement activities.
action | Building a supply chain that enables responsible sourcing of raw materials |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

As a artience group of the Corporate Philosophy of the , we will develop measures to respect the human rights and diversity of all people working in the Group, including employees, at the highest level. In particular, we will work to eliminate all human rights violations, discrimination, and harassment that may occur inside and outside the company, and strive to ensure that the results are tangible to our employees.
With regard to diversity, we will work in all directions, from visible diversity to invisible diversity, but during the implementation period of this Group materiality, we will prioritize gender diversity, which is an urgent issue.
action | Create a gender-free work environment where human rights and diversity are respected |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

While it is becoming more difficult to secure human resources due to the decline in the working population in Japan Japan, especially the shortage of young people, the competition for information engineering skills such as DX, generative AI utilization, and data science has become a global issue.
artience group is based on the basic concept of "an organization exists because of the individual," and we will develop and promote human capital management that respects the intentions and aspirations of individual employees and supports and encourages each employee's challenges. We believe that securing and developing the "challenged human resources" sought by the Group and enhancing engagement is essential for the survival of the company.
action | Through the development of human resources who support challenges, we will increase the career advancement and engagement of employees. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

In order for employees to fully demonstrate their abilities in their respective workplaces, it is said that in addition to "psychological safety" that does not shrink themselves, "physical safety" brought about by the realization of occupational health and safety is indispensable.
As a chemical manufacturing company, artience group has been focusing on occupational safety and disaster prevention at production sites and has achieved results, and the priority and importance of these efforts will not change in the future. Furthermore, as the workforce ages and work attitudes become more diverse, the importance of corporate support for the health and work-life balance of employees and their families is increasing, and we will address these issues as a cornerstone for the sustainable growth of the Group.
action | Raise the level of occupational safety and employee health in the workplace and create a safe work environment |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
4. Formation of a management foundation that is trusted and continues to co-create value
This pillar summarizes important issues related to "corporate management" and "corporate culture." It is also linked to the goals related to ASV2050/2030 in Pillar 3 "Building a Trusted Enterprise Foundation."
In order to solve various important social and environmental issues as explained in Pillars 1~3, sincere corporate management that is trusted by many stakeholders is a major premise. In order to achieve this, we have identified five governance issues: corporate governance/financial base, compliance/risk management/information security, product safety/quality assurance, DX promotion, and co-creation culture/community.
Themes (Areas of Issue) | Actions (issue action items) |
Corporate Governance Financial Basis |
Promote management transparency and improve the soundness of our financial base. |
compliance Risk Information Security |
Continuously review compliance and risk management to improve the effectiveness of the system. |
Product Safety quality assurance |
Strengthen our product safety and quality assurance systems and enhance our trust as a manufacturing company. |
DX Promotion | Accelerate DX promotion, AI utilization, and digital transformation to improve adaptability to changes in the business environment and labor productivity. |
Co-Creation Culture community |
Through building partnerships and coexisting with local communities, we will foster a corporate culture that realizes value co-creation. |

In a VUCA (complex, uncertain, fast-changing, and unpredictable future) world, the decision-making of executives at the helm of a company is one of the most important issues in the governance space. By demonstrating management capabilities that can meet the expectations of diverse stakeholders, transparent management through appropriate information disclosure, and building a sound financial base, artience group will practice the "union of interests and interests" of personal growth and contribution to sustainability for society and the environment.
In particular, in this area of Group materiality, we will actively promote the reform of Board of Directors, which is the management entity.
action | Promote management transparency and improve the soundness of our financial base. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

In order to maintain, improve, and prevent the decline of corporate value, compliance and risk management are indispensable elements for all companies and organizations. artience group has been focusing on compliance and risk management, and while steadily continuing to do so, we will promote the appropriate operation of the whistleblowing system, including thorough dissemination and deepening understanding of the Code of Ethics and Conduct (formerly the Code of Business Conduct) revised in fiscal 2024, and raising awareness of the whistleblowing system.
In addition, we will place emphasis on information security and cyber incident response, which have become dramatically more important in recent years, and horizontally expand the development of systems to overseas bases.
action | Continuously review compliance and risk management to improve the effectiveness of the system. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

For all manufacturing companies, product safety and quality assurance are universally important issues in building relationships of trust with client companies and consumers. Since its founding, artience group has always addressed these two issues, and will continue to work to strengthen its global product safety and quality assurance system while emphasizing risk management for these issues.
On the other hand, we consider the Group's excellent product safety and quality assurance itself to be a business opportunity, and we will also engage in activities to disseminate information as part of marketing and branding.
action | Strengthen our product safety and quality assurance systems and enhance our trust as a manufacturing company. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

For artience group, the promotion of DX (Digital Transformation) is indispensable for the evolution of all operations and duties, such as production process reform, strategic evolution of marketing activities, speed up R&D and material development, streamlining information management, and improving the accuracy of forecasting in management decisions. Based on the recognition that there is an urgent need to increase the labor productivity of the entire Group through the securing and development of DX human resources and actively introducing them to various work sites, we have selected the promotion of DX as one of the themes of this Group materiality.
action | Accelerate DX promotion, AI utilization, and digital transformation to improve adaptability to changes in the business environment and labor productivity. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |

In order for artience group, as a materials manufacturer, to realize a business model that provides value to consumers, we believe that it is necessary to "co-create through partnerships" that goes beyond the mere relationship between suppliers and customers in our relationships with client companies. We will actively promote the building of partnerships with other companies, governments, and academic organizations, and aim for a corporate culture in which a business model of creating and providing "unprecedented value" is the norm by integrating knowledge and capabilities.
Based on such an outward-looking corporate culture, we will strive to strengthen communication with society and promote social contribution.
action | Through building partnerships and coexisting with local communities, we will foster a corporate culture that realizes value co-creation. |
KPIs/Targets or Measures (Qualitative Targets) |
Five Key Issues (Group Materiality 2018-2023)
The Group formulates material issues through repeated dialogues with stakeholders, and since fiscal 2018 has linked CSR activities with the Medium-Term Management Plan and has been promoting activities based on the material issues. In FY2023, we proceeded with initiatives in line with the "KPIs and Targets for SIC-II (FY2021~FY2023)," which is aligned with the medium-term management plan "SIC-II."
Materiality formulation process
Material Issue 1: Provide value that exceeds customer expectations and contribute to society
Aim for
We provide value that contributes to social innovation and problem solving through original products and services that exceed customer expectations. Through this, we gain the trust of a wide range of stakeholders and at the same time contribute to the creation of a sustainable society.
Action items
1. Creating a lifestyle culture in the direction of life, communication, and sustainability
2. Realizing customer peace of mind by providing safe products and services
3. Guaranteed overwhelmingly high quality
4. Achieving high customer satisfaction
Material Issue 2: Coexist with the environment through innovative technology
Aim for
Through innovative environmental technology, we have become a leading company in society in terms of both products and services. Furthermore, through initiatives across the entire business, from upstream to downstream, we are contributing greatly to harmonizing society and the environment and improving social sustainability.
Action items
5. Development and dissemination of innovative technologies, products, and services that reduce environmental impact
6. Efforts to solve and respond to climate change issues
7. Appropriate management of chemical substances
8. Steady promotion of environmental management
Material Issue 3: Aiming for coexistence and co-prosperity with the supply chain and living up to the trust of stakeholders
Aim for
By respecting the supply chain from an equal standpoint and encouraging each other, a solid relationship of trust is being built for coexistence and co-prosperity. Furthermore, based on these relationships, we continue to take on new challenges while cooperating with each other.
Action items
9. Coexistence and co-prosperity with the supply chain through collaboration
10. Respect for the human rights of all stakeholders
Material Issue 4 our employees and pursue happiness and job satisfaction
Aim for
We have established a culture in which the individuality and diversity of each employee is respected, and where employees independently pursue work satisfaction and self-actualization. In addition, the open and family-like work environment is the basis for creating innovation both domestically and internationally.
Action items
11. Thorough occupational safety and health and promotion of health management that lead to employee satisfaction
12. Promoting diversity to revitalize the organization
13. Developing human resources with global perspectives and abilities
Material Issue 5: Build a solid corporate foundation that supports trust
Aim for
Through practices such as compliance and communication, we have established a solid corporate foundation that supports stakeholder trust. Furthermore, this foundation has become a solid foundation for the company to continue to exist until its 200th anniversary while inheriting its history.
Action items
14. Thorough compliance
15. Eliminating corruption and corruption
16. Promote reliable risk management and disaster response
17. Timely, appropriate and proactive information disclosure and strengthening stakeholder communication
18. Contributing to local community development through business
19. Contributing to solving regional issues