Disclosure Policy
(Policy on Information Disclosure)
1. Basic stance
To further improve the transparency of its management, the artience Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”) shall disclose information about the Company and the Group in a fair, timely, and appropriate manner. The Group shall actively engage in communication activities, including the disclosure of information, in order to build, maintain, and develop trusting relationships with various stakeholders surrounding the Group, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, local communities, and employees.
2. Information disclosure standards
The Company shall disclose important information such as decisions that may affect the investment decisions of shareholders and investors, facts that have arisen, and financial information, in a timely and appropriate manner, in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, the Companies Act, and other laws and regulations, as well as the regulations on timely disclosure of corporate information stipulated in the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) Securities Listing Regulations (hereinafter referred to as the “Timely Disclosure Rules.”)
Even if information does not fall under the category of important information, the Company will endeavor to proactively disclose information that it judges to be important or beneficial to stakeholders.
3. Method of Information Disclosure
Information that falls under the Timely Disclosure Rules shall be disclosed in accordance with the rules, via the Timely Disclosure Network (TDnet) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The disclosed information will be posted on the Company’s website immediately after such disclosure. Disclosures under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act shall be made via the Electronic Disclosure for Investors’ Network (EDINET,) an electronic disclosure system for securities reports and other disclosure documents provided by the Financial Services Agency.
Information that is not subject to the Timely Disclosure Rules, but which the Company judges to be important or beneficial to stakeholders, shall be widely disclosed, such as by posting it on the Company's website.
Please note that the Company’s website may not contain all of the information published by the Company or the Group. In addition, the website may contain different expressions from information disclosed by other methods.
4. Quiet period
To prevent the leakage of financial information (including quarterly financial information) and ensure fair disclosure, the Company shall define a quiet period from the day following the closing date (last day) of the fiscal year to the date of the announcement of the financial results.
During this period, the Company shall refrain from responding to or answering inquiries about, or commenting on, its financial results or forecasts; provided, however, that when forecasts are expected to change significantly, even during this quiet period, the Company shall disclose information in an appropriate and timely manner in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
5. Development of internal systems / structures
In accordance with this policy, the Company shall endeavor to develop and enhance its internal systems in order to disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules and related laws and regulations.
6. Response to information from third parties
As a general rule, the Company shall refrain from commenting on third-party opinions, recommendations, or earnings forecasts, etc., regarding the Company and the Group.
In addition, in principle, the Company shall refrain from commenting on rumors or reports about the Company and the Group, whether positive or negative; provided, however, that if such information is deemed to have a significant impact on the market or the Company, the Company shall disclose the information in a timely and appropriate manner in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
7. Forward-looking statements
Information disclosed by the Company and the Group may include information on business forecasts and forward-looking statements.
Such information is based on information available at the time of disclosure and certain assumptions that the Company believes to be reasonable, and may differ from actual results due to various risk factors and uncertainties.
8. Disclaimer
Information disclosed by the Company and the Group is for the purpose of providing information to deepen stakeholders’ understanding of the Company (and / or the Group,) and is not intended for the purpose of soliciting investment.
Please note that the Company shall not be held liable whatsoever for any damages, whether monetary or non-monetary, incurred in connection with information disclosed by the Company or the Group.
Established on November 20, 2009
Revised on January 1, 2024 (Resolved at Board of Directors on December 8, 2023)