External evaluation/initiatives
The SRI/ESG investment indexes and ratings for which our group has been selected, external evaluations of ESG activities, and initiatives that we agree with and support are as follows.
SRI/ESG investment index/rating status
MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index It is an investment index designed by MSCI, a company that provides a variety of support tools for institutional investors. It is built for Japan companies that excel in ESG evaluation while suppressing industry bias. This index has been selected as an ESG index by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). |
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN) This is an investment index designed by MSCI, which provides various support tools for institutional investors. It is designed for Japanese companies that excel in promoting gender diversity. This index has been selected as an ESG index by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). |
FTSE Blossom Japan Index This is an investment index designed by FTSE Russell. It is designed to measure the performance of Japanese companies with strong environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices. This index is widely used in the creation and evaluation of sustainable investment funds and other financial products. |
FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index This is an investment index designed by FTSE Russell. We evaluate the performance of Japanese companies that have relatively excellent ESG responses in each sector while minimizing sector bias. This index has been selected as an ESG index by the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF). |
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index This is an investment index designed by S&P Dow Jones Indices and Japan Exchange Group. They are selected from the TOPIX constituent stocks, and their composition ratios are determined according to their environmental information disclosure status and carbon efficiency. Our rating under the S&P Global Carbon Standards is a decile of '1' and our carbon disclosure status is 'Not Disclosed'. |
SOMPO Sustainability Index This is an investment index designed by Sompo Asset Management. This index consists of approximately 300 companies with excellent ESG characteristics, and is used in the company's management product "SOMPO Sustainable Management", which is adopted by multiple pension funds and institutional investors who aim to hold long-term holdings. . |
- The inclusion of artience Co., Ltd. in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement or promotion of artience Co., Ltd. by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.
- FTSE Russell confirms that artienceg Co., Ltd. has been independently assessed according to the index criteria, and has satisfied the requirements to become a constituent of the FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index. Created by the global index and data providor FTSE Russell, the FTSE Blossom Japan Index is designed to measure the performance of companies demonstrating strong Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) practices. The FTSE Blossom Japan Index and the FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index are used by a wide variety of market participants to create and assess responsible investment funds and other products.
EcoVadis 2024 Sustainability Assessment EcoVadis, a sustainability supply chain certification organization, evaluates companies' policies, implementation measures, and performance in the four areas of "environment," "labor and human rights," "ethics," and "sustainable material procurement" based on its own standards based on international sustainability standards. (2024 overall score 53/100) |
Recognized as a "Health and Productivity Management Organization - White 500" (Large Corporation Category) Based on the health management initiatives promoted by the Japan Kenko Kaigi, this is a system of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry that recognizes corporations that are practicing particularly excellent health and productivity management. We have been recognized as one of the top 500 "White 500" corporations in the health management survey results in the large enterprise category. This is the eighth consecutive year since the first certification in 2017. |
Obtained the “Next Generation Development Support Certification Mark (Kurumin)” Kurumin Certification is a system in which the Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare certifies companies that support childcare. If you formulate an action plan based on the Next Generation Development Support Measures Promotion Act and meet certain requirements, such as achieving the goals set in the action plan, you can apply for certification. artience Co., Ltd. received the "Platinum Kurumin Certification" on August 31, 2023, and the core operating companies (TOYOCOLOR Co., Ltd., TOYOCHEM, Ltd., TOYO INK Co., Ltd.) received the "Platinum Kurumin Certification" on November 15, 2023. We have obtained "certification". |
Obtained “Eruboshi Certification” "Eruboshi Certification" is a system to certify companies that meet certain standards and have excellent status regarding promotion of women's participation and advancement, based on the Act on Promotion of Women's Participation and Advancement in the Workplace ("Women's Participation Promotion Act"). is. We received the "Eruboshi" certification in recognition of our achievements in hiring women, continued employment, working hours, and diverse career courses. |
Recognized as the highest rating “Gold” in the “PRIDE Index” Established in 2016 by work with Pride, this is an evaluation index for initiatives for sexual minorities in the workplace. In recognition of our efforts to promote diversity, such as holding regular study sessions to promote understanding of diversity and expanding the circle of ALLYs, and endorsement of the Declaration of Support for LGBT Equality through Business, which aims to create an inclusive workplace and society where everyone is treated equally, we were certified as "Gold" in recognition of our efforts to promote diversity. This is the third consecutive year since the first award was received in 2022. |
2024年 |
Received an A rank rating in the 3rd JRECO Fluorocarbon Countermeasures Rating. artience Co., Ltd. has received a rank of A in the 3rd JRECO Fluorocarbon Countermeasures Rating, an evaluation of its efforts to comply with the Fluorocarbon Emission Control Act by the Japan Refrigerant and Environmental Conservation Agency (hereinafter referred to as "JRECO"), which works with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Ministry of the Environment to raise awareness and promote the proper management of fluorocarbons. |
2023年 |
Awarded the best site in the 2023 ranking of all listed company website fulfillment rankings Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd. (currently artience Co., Ltd.) Nikko IR Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Nikko IR") has received the "Best Site" award in the "2023 Ranking of Websites of All Listed Companies". Nikko IR's "FY2023 Ranking of Websites of All Listed Companies" is a survey of the websites of all listed companies based on objective evaluation items set from the three perspectives of "ease of understanding," "ease of use," and "amount of information." 2 In fiscal 2023 |
2022年 |
Awarded the best site in the 2022 ranking of all listed company homepages Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd. (currently artience Co., Ltd.) In the "2022 Ranking of Websites of All Listed Companies" announced by Nikko IR Co., Ltd., it was awarded the "Best Site". In fiscal 2022, a total of 3,926 listed companies were surveyed, and we received the "Best Site" award in the overall category. (Excellent: 207, Excellent: 134, Excellent: 155) FY2022 Ranking of All Listed Company Websites | |
TOYOCHEM receives the "Energy Conservation Center Chairman's Award" at the 2022 Energy Conservation Awards TOYOCHEM CO., LTD. received the Energy Conservation Center Chairman's Award in the Energy Conservation Case Study category of the 2022 Energy Conservation Grand Prize in recognition of its ``deepening of energy conservation activities in energy conservation model buildings and horizontal deployment of energy conservation methods'' at the Kawagoe Factory. |
2021年 |
Received the “Excellence Award” at the 24th Environmental Communication Awards. 優れた環境報告書や環境活動レポートなどを表彰する「環境コミュニケーション大賞」において、「CSR報告書2020 ダイジェスト版/詳細版」が、環境報告書部門の「優良賞(第24回環境コミュニケーション大賞審査委員長賞)」26点のひとつに選ばれました。 Sponsored by: Ministry of the Environment, Earth and Human Environment Forum |
2020年 |
TOYOCHEM receives the "Energy Conservation Center Chairman's Award" at the 2020 Energy Conservation Awards TOYOCHEM CO., LTD. received the Energy Conservation Center Chairman's Award in the energy conservation case category of the 2020 Energy Conservation Awards in recognition of its ``proposed energy conservation activities and production site collaboration to reduce fuel costs and develop methods'' at the Kawagoe Factory. |
TOYO INK SCHD Jujo Center receives Itabashi Ward Landscape Award TOYO INK SC Holdings Co., Ltd. (currently artience Co., Ltd.) Jujo Center (Kaga, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo) has recently received the ``Itabashi Ward Landscape Award.'' |
2019年 |
Received Asia Sustainability Reporting Award アジア地域で優れたサステナビリティ報告を表彰する「アジアサスティナビリティ報告賞(ASRA)」において、「CSR報告書2018」が、「マテリアリティ報告」「報告書デザイン」部門において、優秀賞(Highly Commended)を受賞しました。 |
Received the “Excellence Award” at the 22nd Environmental Communication Awards 優れた環境報告書や環境活動レポートなどを表彰する「環境コミュニケーション大賞」において、「CSR報告書2018」および「環境報告書2018」が、環境報告書部門の優秀賞「審査委員会特別優秀賞(第22回環境コミュニケーション大賞審査委員長賞)」3点の一つに選ばれました。 Sponsored by: Ministry of the Environment, Earth and Human Environment Forum |
2018年 |
Received “Excellence Award” at Eco Mark Award 2018 Toyo Ink Co., Ltd. and Toyo Ink Group (currently Artience Group) The company received the Excellence Award at the Eco Mark Award 2018, which recognizes companies and organizations that have made significant contributions to the formation of a sustainable society through eco-conscious product selection by consumers and corporate efforts to improve the environment. Sponsored by: Japan Environmental Association |
Received the “Minister of the Environment Award” at the 27th Global Environment Awards. The Toyo Ink Group (currently the Artience Group) is promoting "Contributing to the realization of a sustainable society through the development of biomass products" at the 27th Global Environment Awards. We received the Minister of the Environment Award. |
Received the “Excellence Award” at the 21st Environmental Communication Awards 優れた環境報告書や環境活動レポートなどを表彰する「環境コミュニケーション大賞」において「CSR報告書2017」が、環境報告書部門の優良賞(第21回環境コミュニケーション大賞審査委員長賞)60点の一つに選ばれました。 Sponsored by: Ministry of the Environment, Earth and Human Environment Forum |
2017年 |
Received the 7th Biomass Product Promotion Achievement Award TOYO INK CO., LTD. was selected for the ``Biomass Product Promotion Achievement Award,'' which is awarded every year by the Japan Biomass Products Promotion Council. Secretariat: Japan Organic Resources Association |
Received the “Excellence Award” at the 20th Environmental Communication Awards 優れた環境報告書や環境活動レポートなどを表彰する「環境コミュニケーション大賞」において、「CSR報告書2016」が、環境報告書部門の優良賞(第20回環境コミュニケーション大賞審査委員長賞)59点の一つに選ばれました。 Sponsored by: Ministry of the Environment, Earth and Human Environment Forum |
Main initiatives we agree with and support
Supports TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) | |
Supports JCI (Climate Change Initiative) | |
Participating in the Clean Ocean Materials Alliance (CLOMA), an initiative aimed at solving the ocean plastic waste problem | |
Participating in CEFLEX, an international framework for tackling plastic waste issues | |
Capital participation in R+ Japan Co., Ltd., an initiative to recycle used plastics. | |
Participating in the Saitama Prefecture Platform to Promote Sustainable Use of Plastic Resources | |
Participating in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity | |
Supporting the Keidanren Biodiversity Declaration Initiative | |
Supports the "white logistics" promotion campaign advocated by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. |