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While the global economy in fiscal 2023 has been moderately recovering due to the effects of various policy measures with the employment and income situation improving, the outlook is uncertain due to rising prices, developments in the Middle East, and fluctuations in financial and capital markets.
Against this backdrop, the group has been conducting its management activities based on the three management policies of "Improve the profitability of businesses," "Create more priority areas of development," and "Enhance the value of management resources for sustainable growth." As a result, net sales increased in fiscal 2023, and operating income, ordinary income, and net income attributable to owners of parent each increased.
With "GROWTH" as a major banner toward 2030, the group will work on corporate reform based on three basic policies.
In the Medium-Term Management Plan from 2024, the first policy, "Transformation of existing business groups into highly profitable ones," we will review our sales strategies, business models, and value provided to date, and implement transformations into high-profit business groups. In the second policy, "Creation of strategic, high priority business groups," we will focus on establishing a new earnings base in two priority areas: the mobility and battery-related business and the display and advanced electronics-related business. In the third policy, "Transformation of the management foundation," we will work to reduce environmental impact, strengthen human capital, and strengthen our technological and intellectual property base.
By setting these policies and sticking to the results and steadily putting them into practice, we will deliver to everyone the value provided by the new era.
We look forward to your continued support and encouragement in the future.
March 2024
President and Representative Director, Group CEO