
Sustainability Top

Sustainability Management

Basic approach

The medium-term management plan "SIC-II", which started in 2021, aims to become "a lifestyle and culture creation company that contributes to a new era," and has three policies: (1) strengthening business profitability, and (2) creating priority development areas. We aim to increase corporate value by increasing the value of management resources (transforming the corporate structure) toward sustainable growth.

In recent years, awareness of sustainability, such as efforts to respond to climate change, carbon neutrality, and SDGs, has increased worldwide. In order to proceed with corporate activities from a medium- to long-term perspective while responding flexibly to changes in society, we aim to: (1) ensure that all products and services we provide contribute to sustainability; and (2) ensure that the environmental impact of manufacturing, including carbon neutrality, is minimized. In January 2022, we formulated the sustainability vision "ASV2050/2030," which envisions the following three points: (3) being a company that can reliably contribute to improving the sustainability of society.

Throughout our history of more than 120 years since our founding, our group has continued to provide the value demanded by customers and society by leveraging our unique core technologies. Our group's sustainable management goal is to continue to be a company of choice, continue to provide products and services that customers and society desire, and fulfill our supply responsibilities through business continuity. We will promote sustainable management by implementing the management strategy under the medium-term management plan "SIC-II" and steadily implementing the important issues (materiality) and ASV2050/2030 that lies beyond it.

Sustainability vision “asv2050/2030”

Since the time of our founding, the artience Group has placed the highest priority on creating and providing value to customers and consumers through products and services, coexisting with society, gaining the trust of stakeholders, and fulfilling its responsibilities as a corporate citizen.
We reaffirm that we are a global corporate group whose main business is the chemical manufacturing industry, and that we have the potential to have a significant impact on society and the environment. We believe that we must build good relationships with all stakeholders, and work to maintain and improve them. To do so, we recognize that constantly analyzing and evaluating our own activities and practicing balanced management from the perspectives of people, society, the environment, and the economy is an important issue for fulfilling our corporate social responsibilities.
The artience Group will continue to contribute to improving the sustainability of the global environment and society, by contributing to society through its business as a good corporate citizen and providing value and satisfaction to stakeholders, including customers, employees, and shareholders, while continuing to grow sustainably as a Group through fair business activities.

  • Providing value through products and services
    As a social contribution based on our core business operations, we provide society with “value that resonates with the senses” and “value that leads to a future where people can live enriched lives” by providing products and services that contribute to improving people’s quality of life, improving the sustainability of society, and environmental conservation and restoration.
  • Sincerity in business activities
    We will endeavor to conduct business activities sincerely, fairly, and appropriately throughout the value chain, from the procurement of raw materials to the sales of products. We will make sound profits through our business activities and return these profits to our shareholders, employees and other stakeholders.
  • Ensuring compliance
    In addition to complying with domestic and international laws and regulations, we respect international codes of conduct and local social norms, and make decisions and act based on rigorous adherence to high standards of reason, conscience, and ethics. We will not tolerate any corrupt practices that damage the integrity or credibility of our company.
  • Respecting human rights and diversity throughout the supply chain
    We will respect the human rights and diversity of all people involved in our business activities, and work to eliminate human rights violations and other negative impact on human rights. We will not tolerate child labor, forced labor, unfair labor practices, discrimination, or harassment throughout the supply chain.
  • Tackling global environmental issues
    We recognize that the conservation and restoration of the global environment and local natural environments should be a top priority for the chemical manufacturing industry, and will work to reduce environmental impact in all of our business activities. We will also work to maintain and improve the safety and health of people through appropriate chemical substance management.
  • Creating a comfortable and self-realizing working environment
    We will provide opportunities for growth and challenge, so that every employee can maximize their autonomy and abilities. At the same time, we will work to continuously improve the workplace environment so that all Group employees can perform their duties safely and healthily.
  • Active communication and information disclosure
    We will disclose information about the Group in a fair and timely manner, and work to improve transparency in management. We will also communicate actively with various stakeholders around us, and work to build and develop trusting relationships and coexist with society.
  • Enhancement of corporate governance through continuous reform
    We will continue to incessantly reform and validate management resources and risk management, and build and maintain effective corporate governance. We will adapt flexibly to changes in the business environment and work to achieve resilient corporate management that contributes to the sustainable growth of the Group.

Established on April 18, 2005
Revised on January 1, 2024 (resolved at the Board of Directors on December 8, 2023)

Promotion system

The Chief Executive Officer is the President and Representative Director and Group CEO, and the Executive Officer is the Sustainability Chairperson. Directors). The Sustainability Committee formulates, promotes, evaluates, and follows up on the Group's sustainability activities, and regularlyThe Group Management Committee and the Board of Directors report to management and receive instructions on how to respond as necessary.

In fiscal 2022, we held the Sustainability Conference (company-wide meeting) held in September every year to share the progress of sustainability activities and activity policies, and after the meeting, we conducted training for officers and department heads (participants other than officers and department heads can participate) with the aim of deepening their understanding of diversity.

In July 2023, we established the ESG Promotion Office as a dedicated department to promote ESG activities.

Sustainability promotion system (FY2023/Updated in July 2023)

Sustainability promotion system (FY2023/Updated in July 2023)