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Respect for human rights

Basic approach

In accordance with our Corporate Philosophy of "People-oriented management," our group aims to create a culture in which diverse human resources can develop and thrive.We respect human rights, comply with the labor laws of each country, and strive to foster the culture of each region. We carry out business activities that respect the values of the Group and its values.
Frameworks such as the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the California Supply Chain Transparency Act, and the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 require companies to fulfill their social responsibilities, including their supply chains. The chain considers it to be part of its social responsibility, and promotes initiatives that are considerate of human rights, labor, the environment, and other issues.
In addition, we believe that it is necessary to understand and reduce the negative impact that our business activities have on human rights, and we are conducting awareness-raising activities based on materials that clearly describe respect for basic human rights. We are trying to make it stick. Furthermore, in consideration of recent international trends regarding human rights, we have published and disseminated the Human Resources Policy, which systematizes the basic policies for the Group's human resources strategy. (The personnel policy is written in both Japanese and English.)

The artience Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Group”), upholds a corporate philosophy of people-oriented management, and endeavors to respect human rights in all of its business activities, and to work with integrity and sincerity in cooperation with all stakeholders.
The Group acknowledges that its business activities may directly or indirectly impact human rights, and has formulated this Basic Policy on Respect for Human Rights (hereinafter this “Basic Policy”) to ensure that the human rights of all people affected by its activities are respected.

  1. Positioning
    The Group actively supports and respects the international norms concerning the protection of human rights mentioned below. We have established this Basic Policy in accordance with these international norms, and carry out activities for respecting human rights based on this Basic Policy.
    • The International Bill of Human Rights (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, International Covenants on Human Rights)
    • The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
    • l  The ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
    • The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
    • The Children’s Rights and Business Principles

  2. Scope of application
    This Basic Policy applies to all officers, corporate advisors, employees, contract employees, and part-time employees of the Group, as well as temporary dispatch workers and all other persons engaged in the Group’s business operations (hereinafter referred to collectively as “officers and employees.”) We also ask all suppliers, distributors, and other business partners who form the Group’s supply chain to understand and support this Basic Policy.
  3. Observance of laws and international norms
    The Group will comply with laws and regulations in countries and regions where it conducts business activities. In cases where these laws and regulations are insufficient in light of the international norms for the protection of human rights, or conflict with those international norms, the Group will seek methods of respecting internationally approved principles on human rights to the maximum extent possible.
  4. Initiatives to ensure respect for human rights
    The Group respects the human rights of all people directly or indirectly involved in its business activities, and endeavors not to infringe upon, not to be complicit in, and not to encourage human rights violations. In the event that our business activities cause a negative impact on human rights, we will take corrective and remedial measures. In addition, the Group will make efforts through its day-to-day business activities to prevent itself from becoming involved in any infringement of human rights or activities that negatively impact human rights.
    In order to achieve the objectives of this paragraph, the Group recognizes that the following human rights issues related to its business activities are important elements of its corporate responsibility to respect human rights, and will focus on them.
    Human rights issues to be addressed
    • child labor, forced labor
      The Group will not tolerate child labor or forced labor. We will not tolerate any form of modern slavery, including debt labor or human trafficking, inhumane treatment, or unfair labor practices.
    • l  Discrimination or harassment
      The Group respects the dignity and diversity of individuals, and will work to eradicate all forms of discrimination and harassment for reasons including, but not limited to, race, color, ethnicity, national origin, region of origin, social background, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, philosophy, creed, religion, political affiliation or political opinion, disability, military service status, union membership, employment type, academic background, marital status, family circumstances, state of health and genetic information.
    • Freedom of association, collective bargaining rights and privacy protections
      The Group will comply with the laws and regulations of the countries and regions in which it operates, and respect workers’ freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining. We will also respect the privacy of individuals and work to protect it.
    • Occupational safety and health, wages and working hours
      The Group will work to create a comfortable working environment that takes safety and health into consideration. The Group will pay appropriate wages and manage working hours with care and consideration for the lives of officers and employees, and aim to create a work environment where employees can work with a sense of fulfillment and job satisfaction.
    • Responsible procurement
      The Group will consider resources protection and environmental conservation and implement responsible procurement to avoid any involvement in any infringement of human rights in association with mining or trading in any conflict region or any high-risk region.

  5. Implementation of human rights due diligence
    For the purpose of implementing activities to ensure respect for human rights, the Group will construct a system of human rights due diligence, and identify any negative impacts on human rights, and work to prevent or mitigate them. With regard to concerns about negative impacts on human rights within the Group, we will operate an effective grievance handling program that can be used by all employees, their close relatives, and all who have some relationship with the Group’s business.
  6. Information disclosure
    The Group will disclose its activities for respecting human rights and the results of these activities via its website and reports, and by other means.
  7. Dialogue and discussion
    The Group will identify stakeholders that have been or possibly may be negatively impacted by its business activities in relation to human rights and engage in dialogue and consult with them on a timely basis.
  8. Education and training
    The Group will provide appropriate education and training to ensure that its officers and employees have a correct understanding of human rights and various issues relating to human rights, and that this Basic Policy is firmly established and effectively implemented in all of its business activities.
  9. Corrective and remedial measures
    If it is found that the Group’s business activities have directly or indirectly caused or contributed to negative impacts on human rights, the Group will take prompt action to correct and remedy the situation through appropriate means, including dialogue.
  10. Revision, abolition and management
    Decisions regarding the revision or abolition of this Basic Policy shall be made by the Board of Directors of artience Co., Ltd.
    The department in charge of the revision and abolition of this Basic Policy shall be the department that oversees human rights activities of artience Co., Ltd.

Established on March 10, 2023 (Resolved at Board of Directors on March 10, 2023)
Revised on January 1, 2024 (Resolved at Board of Directors on December 8, 2023)

Reporting desk for human rights violations

Diagram of contact point for reporting human rights violations
We have established Compliance Office both inside and outside the company to serve as a point of contact for reporting compliance matters, including human rights violations. We have also set up an inquiry desk (also available in English and Chinese) on our website to respond to reports from outside the company. Regarding reports, we investigate the facts and promptly take measures if there is a concern that a problem may occur, and we pay the utmost attention to the protection and confidentiality of whistleblowers.
In fiscal 2022, there were no reports of serious risks related to human rights violations.

Promotion system

System related to respect for human rights (FY2023)
System related to respect for human rights (FY2023)
In our group, human rights regulations and policies are handled by Human Resources Department. Regarding human rights issues and human rights education, Human Resources Department and Compliance Committee play a central role in addressing each theme.


human rights due diligence

Companies are required to fulfill their social responsibilities, including their supply chains, and we consider the supply chain to be part of our social responsibility, and we are promoting initiatives that are considerate of human rights, labor, the environment, etc. Furthermore, based on the idea that it is necessary to understand and reduce the negative impact on human rights that our business activities have, we are moving forward with efforts to address potential human rights risks by theme to relevant departments.
Regarding respect for human rights and labor practices within the Group, related departments, centered on Human Resources Department and Legal Department work together to conduct training, education, and awareness-raising activities in an effort to ensure a healthy working environment.
For the supply chain, we distribute the Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines and promote CSR, which specifies compliance with laws and regulations, respect for international norms, respect for human rights, fair working conditions and environments, reducing environmental impact, and preventing corruption. Through responses to procurement questionnaires, we confirm the status of suppliers' efforts in sustainability activities, including human rights.
If our group's business activities directly or indirectly contribute to human rights violations or cause a negative impact on human rights, we will promptly work to correct the situation through dialogue and appropriate procedures.


  • Human rights education and awareness activities
  • Establishing the idea of respecting human rights
  • Prevention of harassment
  • Respect for workers' rights
  • Child labor/forced labor