Dispenser type adhesives
This is a structural adhesives that uses our unique resin design to achieve a high level of both flexibility and strength of the coating film.
Suitable for applications that require shock resistance, vibration resistance, and the joining of dissimilar materials.
Furthermore, using dispersion technology that we have cultivated over many years, we offer a lineup of heat adhesives that have both heat dissipation properties and fluidity.

Highly durable urethane structural adhesives
LIOWELD® Uシリーズは過酷環境下で樹脂やアルミなどの軽量化素材の異種接合に適し、応力緩和性と塗膜・接着強度に優れた構造用接着剤です。

Strong adhesive/room temperature curing urethane heat dissipation adhesives
LIOWELD® Tシリーズは、高度な熱対策が求めらる電子部品に対して、優れた接着力と塗工性、安定した熱伝導性を有する、室温硬化型の放熱に優れた構造用接着剤です。

Highly flexible epoxy structural adhesives
LIOWELD® Gシリーズはエポキシ樹脂の固くて脆いイメージを覆す、高柔軟で靭性の高く室温硬化が可能な2液硬化タイプのエポキシ接着剤です。
Toyo-Morton, Ltd.