Basics #09 A sense of “clear and dark colors” that you must acquire

What is clear color and cloudy color?

There may be many people who have never heard of the expressions ``clear color'' and ``dark color.'' However, as I research color scheme techniques, I realize that it is better to understand their characteristics well before handling them. Looking at the effects of contrast, examples of ``color relative ratio'' and ``brightness contrast'' are easy to create and easy to understand, but ``saturation contrast'' tends to be a little harder to understand. However, this difference in saturation also plays a large role in determining which colors suit you and which colors do not. In addition, in the field of landscape color, when determining the characteristics of the climate and features of a region, the survey results may indicate whether the colors tend to be bright or dark. Due to these differences, there are differences in the colors that have been used in each region.
It can be said that it is a ``sense'' that you must acquire when dealing with colors.

1) What is Seiro?

Pure colors and colors with white or black added to pure colors. Black is also a pure color.

Clear color

V tone = pure color
B tone, P tone, Vp tone (V + white) = clear color
Dp tone, Dk tone, Dgr tone (V+black) = dark blue
W (white), Bk (black)

2) What is cloudy color?

Dark colors are basically pure colors with gray added to them.
What you need to be careful about here is the color that is a pure color plus black.
A color that is a pure color plus black is theoretically classified as a clear color and is called a ``dark clear color,'' but since it is in a ``dark clear'' state, it is perceived as ``cloudy.'' This is called "psychological obscurity."

Dark color

S tone, L tone, Dl tone, Lgr tone, Gr (V + gray) = muddy color
Dp tone, Dk tone, Dgr tone (V + black) = dark clear color = psychologically murky color
LG (light gray), MG (medium gray), DG (dark gray)

清色、濁色 イメージ図

The difference between clear color and dark color is "difference in quality"

Clear and dark colors have a greater impact on how things are perceived than differences in the system. The things and places that are effective when used vary. It also has to do with people's tastes.

Clear color case

清色の事例 イメージ画像

Case of cloudy color

濁色の事例 イメージ画像

When combining colors, when they are placed next to each other, "Clear for clear, cloudy for cloudy"

Clear and dark colors are one of the points of view that you should be very careful about when combining colors. The key to bringing out the best in clear colors and dark colors is not to use them at the same time.

When you put a clear color and a dark color next to each other, the clear color becomes more saturated, and the dark color becomes even more muddy. Clear colors will give an artificial look, while dark colors will make it look dirty. The wallpaper is getting old, so you try to replace it, but the upholstery of the sofa that was placed in front of it starts to look dirty.
The trick to bringing out the best in each is to combine clear colors with clear colors and dark colors with dark colors.''When it comes to colors, it can be said that it is quite difficult to combine clear and cloudy colors.

However, the degree of grayishness is also an issue in comparison, so depending on the colors you match, the color may appear cleaner. Take a close look at the grayness and think about how to combine them.

Compare the left and right sides. Combining dark colors with dark colors and combining clear colors with clear colors can be said to be a safer combination.

色の組み合わせ イメージ画像
色の組み合わせ イメージ画像
色の組み合わせ イメージ画像
色の組み合わせ イメージ画像

August 9, 2018

Text by Japan Color Design Institute


