water-based /solvent-free packaging solutions

artience group contributes to the reduction of CO 2 and VOC through water-based and solvent-free packaging solutions.
- Customer adoption examples
- Advantages of water-based /solvent-free packaging
- Introduction to water-based and solvent-free products
Customer adoption examples
Bourbon Co., Ltd.

Bourbon Co., Ltd. is committed to achieving the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and as a company that supports comprehensive health promotion, based on the corporate message of "In the middle of delicious smiles" and "Deliciousness, consideration, always together." We aim for continuous development and contribution to society.
As one of our activities, we participate in the Health Business Council, a general incorporated association, and are actively working to popularize water-based based packaging printing.

For food packaging, we have established a water-based printing product certification system to promote corporate social contribution activities for the environment.

- Packages printed with water-based ink can display the "water-based Printing Product Certification" mark by conducting a registration review at the council.
We would like to introduce some of the brand owners who are working on water-based printing at the Health Business Council.
Fuji Special Paper Industry Co., Ltd.

Our company has long been working on environmental issues from the perspective of corporate social responsibility.
In order to solve the problems of conventional "oil-based (organic solvent) gravure printing," in 1996, together with TOYO INK, we started developing "water-based water-based based gravure printing," which is environmentally friendly and has a beautiful finish. We succeeded in putting it into practical use. This has significantly reduced the amount of organic solvent used in ink and reduced the burden on on-site workers.
We have received high awards in the environmental field, including the "Aichi Environmental Award" and the "Global Environment Award."
We will continue to work on creating packaging that is kind to the earth, by further reducing environmental impact through high water-based based gravure printing and shallow printing, and by expanding the use of solvent-free adhesives.
Advantages of water-based /solvent-free packaging
By using water-water-based and solvent-free laminating adhesives that does not contain organic solvents, we can reduce CO 2 and VOC emissions from packaging, and improve the working environment during the printing process.
Contributing to reducing CO 2 emissions
water-based inks contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions compared to oil-based gravure inks.
In addition, solvent-free adhesives does not use any solvents, so it contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions compared to solvent-based adhesives.
By using water-based inks in combination with solvent-free adhesives, CO2 emissions can be further reduced.
Reducing VOC emissions
water-based inks reduce VOC emissions by 70% with water-based gravure inks and by 95% with water-based flexographic inks compared to oil-based gravure inks. On the other hand, solvent-free adhesives does not generate VOCs. *
water-based Used in combination with inks to further reduce VOCs.
In addition, the use of solvents contributes to the improvement of the work environment and the significant reduction of the risk of fire.
Introduction to water-based and solvent-free products
Next-generation water-based gravure ink: AQUAECOL™SX
- By combining ``reducing the coating amount and thinning the film by making the ink highly solid'' and ``shallow plate technology,'' it is possible to achieve printing speeds comparable to oil-based inks using existing printing machines, achieving further CO 2 reductions.
- It can be used for a wide range of purposes, from snacks to retorts, for various base materials such as OPP, PET, and NY.
artiece group product list
A list of artience group 's water-based inks and solvent-free laminating adhesives products.
List of solvent-free laminating adhesives