Products & Solutions

Modified polyolefin Liothene™ / LIOFLEX™


Liothene™ and LIOFLEX™ are chlorine-free modified polyolefin products.

Polypropylene with improved adhesion to polar base materials such as metals and PET by combining functional groups. It contributes to improved adhesion between metals/PET and polypropylene materials. Liothene™ is as a powder and LIOFLEX™ as a dispersion.


Good adhesion

  • Excellent adhesion to metal base materials (SUS, aluminum, galvanized, etc.) and polypropylene materials

Heat resistance adhesion

  • Due to its high melting point, it has excellent heat resistance and can be processed at high temperatures.

Food sanitation characteristics

  • Compliant with FDA175.105

Property value

Liothene LIOFLEX
Appearance powder cloudy liquid
Non-volatile content >98% 10%
acid value 8 8 (solid equivalent)
Melting point 155℃ 155℃
Melt viscosity (MFR)/viscosity 70g/10min 1,500mPa・s
Particle size D50 400μm 20μm
Particle size D90 800μm 70μm

* The above values are representative and not guaranteed

Expected applications/markets

  • Various primers
  • paint additives
  • Adhesives
  • modifier
  • Next-generation battery components (fuel cells, storage batteries, solar cells, etc.)

Can be used for a wide range of purposes such as

Example of use

Example of use

Product Data

Heat resistance/hygiene

Relationship between melting point and acid value
  • Our products have a high melt viscosity and exhibit an adhesive function with a low amount of additives. * Recommended dosage: 3~20% (in total solids)
  • There is very little residual unreacted material or low molecular weight material, and even with a low acid value, the adhesion to various substrates is improved.
  • Additionally, due to its high melting point, it is ideal for applications that require heat resistance, heat-resistant adhesion, and retort resistance.

Adhesion (coating film physical property data)

Strongly bonds metal and PP sheet and maintains adhesive strength even after various tests.

Adhesive force (N/20mm) erichsen test Cold resistance Boiling water test Heat resistance
normal condition After boiling water immersion
52 48

◎=No peeling

Sample preparation conditions


adhesives containing Liothene

Base material

Electrogalvanized plate and PP resin sheet for 42002K

laminating temperature


Standard film thickness


standard laminate crimp


Evaluation conditions

Eriksen *

Eriksen processing after scratch test (6mm)

Winter hardiness *

Bend 180° after leaving at 0℃ for 1 hour

Boiling Water Test *

Soak in boiling water for 3 hours

Heat resistance

After leaving in a 120℃ oven for 1 hour

* Conform to JIS standard K6744

Adhesiveness (compared to other companies' products)

Evaluation method

  • Eriksen
    Make a well-shaped notch in the center of the laminated steel plate with a cutter, and perform 7mm Erichsen processing from the steel plate side.
  • Boiling water treatment method
    Erichsen processed products are treated at 100℃ for 2 hours.
  • Peeling method
    Peel it off from the notch with tweezers.
    Comparative evaluation was conducted by adding 20% Liothene and other companies' PP①~④ to epoxy adhesives for steel sheets.
Adhesives Resin Eriksen
normal condition Boiling water treatment after processing
Peeling Peeling
Prototype A Liothene 5 5 5 5
Prototype B Competitor's product ① 5 2 5 2
Prototype C Competitor's product ② 5 1 5 1
Prototype D Competitor's product ③ 5 1 5 1
Prototype E Competitor's product ④ 5 5 5 3

TPO sheet//steel plate

Coating conditions

Method: Bar coater coating NV: 23% Coating amount: 4.5g/m2dry

Rami conditions

Board temperature: 220℃ Lamination pressure: 5Kg/cm2

Evaluation criteria

Eriksen: (Excellent) 5 No peeling ⇔ 1 Full peeling (Poor)
The peeling interface is between TPO/ adhesives in both cases.


TOYOCHEM CO., LTD. Packaging and Industrial Materials Sales Division Sales Department 1