Products & Solutions

Pressure sensitive adhesives with dramatically reduces odor

Ideal for creating a comfortable indoor environment

VOCs (volatile organic compounds) are said to be the cause of sick building syndrome and chemical sensitivity, so low VOCs are essential, especially for interior material applications.
Furthermore, with the development of EVs and self-driving technology, automobile interiors are increasingly becoming "living spaces," and demand for low-odor, low-VOC materials is increasing in search of a more comfortable environment. The need for low odor and low VOC products has become a global trend.
Utilizing our proprietary technology based on our experience in interior pressure sensitive adhesives, we have developed a low-odor, low-VOC pressure sensitive adhesives suitable for creating a comfortable indoor environment.

About odors and VOCs

One of the causes of unpleasant odors such as tapes and adhesives comes from VOC components.
Odor can be suppressed by reducing the VOC contained in pressure sensitive adhesives as much as possible.
  • VOC: Volatile Organic Compounds
  • There are individual differences in how odors are perceived.

Odor and VOC are correlated, so it is possible to achieve both control and reduction effects.

VOC (13 substances and T-VOC)

  • VOC
    There are approximately 200 types of volatile organic compounds.
    The Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has provided guideline values for indoor concentrations for 13 of these substances.
  • T-VOC
    This refers to the concentration level of a mixture of multiple VOCs, and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare has indicated a provisional target value for indoor concentration.
VOC Indoor concentration guideline value [μg/m 3]
formaldehyde 100
acetaldehyde 48
toluene 260
Xylene 200
ethylbenzene 3800
styrene 220
Paradichlorobenzene 240
Tetradecane 330


However, in the case of children, it is 0.1.

fenobucarb 33
Diazinon 0.29
Di-n-butyl phthalate 17
Di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate 100
Total volatile organic compounds (T-VOC)

Temporary target value


* Source: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare "Indoor Concentration Guidelines for Chemical Substances in Indoor Air" (January 17, 31)

New product EXK 21-046

Although conventional low-VOC pressure sensitive adhesives can reduce 13 VOC substances, a small amount of T-VOC remains after the drying process, causing odor.
Therefore, we selected a material that does not easily remain in the paint film, and by making full use of our proprietary polymerization and compounding technology, we succeeded in reducing T-VOC and odor without sacrificing conventional adhesive properties by controlling viscoelasticity.

T-VOC content and odor comparison data

  • Composition: pressure sensitive adhesives 65g/m2 / Non-woven fabric / pressure sensitive adhesives 65g/m2
  • After drying at 105℃ for 2 minutes and curing for 7 days at 23℃ and 50%RH.
Odor evaluation criteria Profile
Grade 1 Not noticeable
Grade 2 Noticeable, not objectionable
Grade 3 Clearly noticeable, but still not objectionable
Grade 4 Objectionable
Grade 5 Very objectionable
Grade 6 Unbearable

Adhesive performance

A low-odor, low-VOC pressure sensitive adhesives that is ideal for home and automobile interior applications.

EXK 21-046 Conventional product
BHS 8515 (crosslinking agent) [parts] 3.1 2.5
Peeling strength [N/25mm] VS. SUS 20 minutes after pasting 24.5 22.1
24 hours after pasting 23.3 21.1
To PP 20 minutes after pasting 16.1z 12.4z
24 hours after pasting 16.6z 12.5z
Shear [mm] SUS 80℃-1kg-70,000 seconds 0.5 0.2
  • Composition: pressure sensitive adhesives 65g/m2 / Non-woven fabric / pressure sensitive adhesives 65g/m2
  • After drying at 105℃ for 2 minutes and curing for 7 days at 23℃ and 50%RH.
  • z: zipping


TOYOCHEM CO., LTD. Packaging and Industrial Materials Sales Division Sales Department 1