• Privacy Policy
  • Attachment regarding the application of the “Personal Information Protection Policy” in Japan

Attachment regarding the application of the “Personal Information Protection Policy” in Japan

Publication date: January 1, 2024

Last updated: January 1, 2024

This document is an annex to the "Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Personal Information Protection Act"), which applies to the processing of personal information of individuals located or residing in Japan by the artience group companies and to the acquisition and use of personal information by artience Co., Ltd., TOYOCOLOR CO., LTD., TOYOCHEM CO., LTD., TOYO INK CO., LTD., TOYO INK ENGINEERING CO., LTD., TOYO FPP CO., LTD., TOYO B-Net CO., LTD., TOYO VISUAL SOLUTIONS CO., LTD., TOYO MANAGEMENT SERVICE CO., LTD., Toyo-Morton, Ltd. and MATSUI CHEMICAL CO., LTD..

The attachment is attached to our group's "Personal Information Protection Policy (Privacy Policy)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") and contains laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information that apply in a specific country or region. This policy has been established in order to comply with the above, and in the event of any discrepancies or inconsistencies between this policy and the attached sheet, the contents of the attached sheet will take precedence.

1. Definition of personal information and applicable laws and regulations

"Personal information" as used in this appendix refers to personal information stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Personal Information Protection Act, including the individual's name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address. This includes information specified in ``2. Purpose of use of personal information'' in ``Purpose of use of information, etc.''.

2. Regarding automatic collection of personal information on the Internet and its invalidation

On some of our group sites, you may browse our group sites or use the inquiry form on our group sites, etc. under ``(4)'' of ``ii. Purpose of use of personal information'' in ``II. Purposes of use of personal information, etc.'' As stated in ``Purposes of use of personal information about those who enter information in the input form'', we use CGI, JavaScript, cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies (hereinafter referred to as ``the technologies'') to visit the site. Various information regarding the information terminal devices and software used by visitors (hereinafter referred to as "terminal systems"), the viewing status of content on our group sites, and access logs (domain names of network servers to which site visitors connect) , IP address, URL of accessed content, date and time of access, etc.) may be automatically collected without the site visitor recognizing it.

Although these automatically collected information, access logs, etc. do not necessarily include information that can identify or identify individuals, our group will treat them as information equivalent to personal information, and we will treat them as information equivalent to personal information. Personal information will be used within the scope of the purposes specified in ``II. Purpose of use of personal information.''

Depending on the terminal system, it is possible to disable the functionality of the technology by changing the settings of the website viewing settings function. If you wish to change the settings of the terminal system you are using, please refer to the instruction manual for the terminal system or contact the manufacturer of the terminal system. However, as a result of this setting change, you may not be able to use some or all of the services provided by our group sites.

“ii. Purpose of use of personal information.”

Cookie Policy

3. Handling of personal information already held by our group

Personal information that our group acquired before the enactment of the Personal Information Protection Act (before March 31, 2005) and that we currently hold will be subject to the terms of this policy "II. Personal Information" to the extent permitted by the Personal Information Protection Act. We will continue to use personal information within the scope of the purposes specified in ``2. Purpose of use of personal information'' of ``Purpose of use of personal information, etc.''.

Four. Joint use of personal information, outsourcing of handling, and disclosure/provision to third parties

Our group will not jointly use, outsource the handling of, or disclose or provide personal information to third parties, except in the following cases.

  1. Consent has been obtained from the relevant individual.
  2. When disclosing or providing statistical data, etc. with no connection to individuals
  3. When our group receives purchase price, etc. from the person in question, when we inquire about the payment method or payment status, etc. to related institutions.
  4. In order to achieve the purpose of use described in "II. Purpose of use of personal information" of this policy "II. Purpose of use of personal information, etc.", our group appropriately supervises subcontractors or agencies, etc. When disclosing or providing personal information to business partners of our group
  5. When each company in our group jointly uses personal information to achieve the purpose of use stated in "II. Purpose of use of personal information" of this policy "II. Purpose of use of personal information, etc."
  6. When a judicial organ, administrative organ, police, bar association, consumer center, or an organization with similar authority requests disclosure or provision based on appropriate legal procedures.
  7. In cases where it is necessary to cooperate with the national or local government in carrying out public affairs, and where obtaining the consent of the person concerned is likely to impede the performance of said affairs.
  8. When it is necessary to protect the life, body, property, etc. of the person himself or herself and others, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person concerned.
  9. When providing personal information to a joint user that has been notified or announced to the individual in advance

Five. Measures to be taken when jointly using personal information and outsourcing the handling of personal information

The scope of joint use or outsourcing of handling of personal information by our group is as follows. In addition, when outsourcing the joint use and handling of personal information, our group obligates them through contracts, etc. and provides appropriate supervision to ensure that personal information is not leaked.

Scope of personal information

Personal information listed in each item of "II. Purpose of use of personal information" of this policy "II. Purpose of use of personal information, etc."

Scope of parties to whom personal information may be jointly used and handled

(1) Joint use
Consolidated subsidiaries and equity method affiliates of our group

(2) Entrustment of handling
We will notify the source specified in ``ⅰ. Source of personal information'' in ``II. Purpose of use of personal information'' of this policy, or give advance notice at the stage of acquiring personal information.

Purposes of use of personal information

Purposes of use stated in this appendix “4. Joint use of personal information, entrustment of handling, and disclosure/provision to third parties”

Person responsible for the management of personal information

artience Co., Ltd. (holding company of the Group)

* For more information, please refer to this Policy "IX.. Contact Information".

Destination of relocation to a third-party country

To fulfill any of the purposes of use mentioned above, the Group may move personal information to any of the countries or regions listed below, in which Group companies or offices are located.

Republic of Korea, People's Republic of China, Republic of China (Taiwan), Republic of Singapore, Malaysia, Kingdom of Thailand, Republic of the Philippines, Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Republic of Indonesia, Republic of the Union of Myanmar, Republic of India, United Arab Emirates, Republic of France, Kingdom of Belgium, Germany Federal Republic, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), Republic of Lithuania, Hungary, Republic of Turkey, Kingdom of Morocco, United States of America, United States of Mexico, Federal Republic of Brazil

In this case, our group will conclude a contract with the recipient of personal information to ensure that they will continue to take measures equivalent to those that should be taken by businesses handling personal information in Japan. We will take appropriate protective measures (hereinafter referred to as "protective measures").

However, the Republic of France, the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom), the Republic of Lithuania, and Hungary have been certified by the Personal Information Protection Commission of the Japanese Domestic Cabinet Office as substantially equivalent to Japan. We do not take any protective measures when transferring personal information to these countries as they have been approved to have a personal information protection system in place.

* If you wish to confirm the details of the protection measures, please contact the contact point designated by the Group as described in "IX. Contact Information" of this policy.

6. Response to requests for disclosure, etc.

Based on the Personal Information Protection Act, our group will disclose and correct the contents of retained personal data (referring to personally held data stipulated in Article 2, Paragraph 7 of the Personal Information Protection Act; the same shall apply hereinafter) from the person or his/her representative. , addition, deletion, suspension of use, suspension of provision to a third party, etc. (hereinafter referred to as ``disclosure, etc.''), we will confirm that you are the person in question or his/her representative, and we will respond appropriately. corresponds to

  1. Where to submit requests for disclosure, etc.

    Requests for disclosure, etc. should be made using the method specified by our group. For inquiries regarding requests for disclosure, etc., please contact the designated contact point of our group listed in "Ⅸ. Contact information" of this policy.

  2. Identification

    When making a request for disclosure, etc., we will verify your identity using a prescribed method.
    If a request for disclosure, etc. is made by an agent of the person in question, in addition to a power of attorney, proof documents to confirm the identity of both the person and the agent are required.
    If you are a legal representative who is a minor or an adult ward, we will confirm that you have the right to represent yourself by providing documentation that proves your legal power of representation.

  3. Disclosure fee

    When requesting disclosure, etc. to our group, fees may be charged for handling the procedures and investigating (hereinafter referred to as "response, etc."). If our group charges the person or his or her agent a fee for responding to the request, we will submit an estimate of the fee amount in advance.

  4. Others

    For any other questions regarding requests for disclosure, etc., please contact our group's designated contact point listed in "Ⅸ. Contact Information" of this policy.

7. Regarding destruction of personal information

When personal information is no longer needed, our group irreversibly anonymizes it or discards it appropriately. Please note that we may continue to retain and use information that has been anonymized so that individuals can no longer be identified or identified.

8. Regarding revisions to this appendix

Our group will revise the contents of this appendix as appropriate in response to revisions to laws and regulations and changes in the social environment. The revised appendix will be made public through external public relations media such as our group website.
