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  • artience group Formulates New Materiality for FY2030


artience Co., Ltd.

artience group Formulates New Materiality for FY2030

Management Plan artience 2027/2030 "GROWTH" and Sustainability Vision asv2050/2030 Set KPIs/targets and measures on 15 material issues

artience Co., Ltd. (President and Representative Director Satoru Takashima, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has formulated a new materiality policy with FY2030 as the target year. The new materiality consists of 15 material issues and is linked to the management plan artience 2027/2030 "GROWTH" and the sustainability vision asv 2050/2030.

Based on the management plan artience 2027/2030 "GROWTH" that started in FY2024 and the sustainability vision asv2050/2030 that has been in operation since fiscal 2022, artience group has formulated a new materiality that identifies important issues to be addressed in the period up to 2030 as part of the Group's sustainability management. In formulating the plan, we formed a formulation team centered on the Sustainability Committee Secretariat, and conducted in-house workshops, interviews with external experts, and KPI interviews with the managers of related departments to reflect the opinions of internal and external stakeholders.
This new materiality consists of 15 themes that are positioned as important in both social demands and initiatives for the Group's sustainable growth, and we have set actions for each theme and KPIs/target values or measures (qualitative targets) to measure the progress of the actions. The new materiality will start in fiscal 2025, and we have set fiscal 2030, which is the same as our management plan and sustainability vision, as the target year. The plan also includes a review of KPIs and targets in line with the timing of the formulation of the next medium-term management plan.

Structure of the new materiality

The new materiality divides the 15 identified material issues into four pillars linked to the Sustainability Vision ASV2050/2030. Each material issue consists of a theme (field) and an action (action item).

Themes (Areas of Material Issues) Actions (Material Issues)
1. Provision of "value that resonates with the senses" through products and services
Products & Services Focusing on strategic priority businesses, we will increase sales of products that contribute to sustainability.
Decarbonization Promote GHG emissions reduction and decarbonization throughout the value chain
2. Reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing
climate change Reduce GHG emissions in all directions and contribute to the reduction of climate change.
Water Management Improve water use at production sites and contribute to the preservation of the natural environment and living environment.
Resource Recycling
Reduce waste at production sites and offices, and promote resource recycling in the value chain.
Pollution Prevention
Thoroughly prevent pollution of air, water, and soil, and aim for production activities with zero environmental pollution.
3. Management that emphasizes human capital
SCM Building a supply chain that enables responsible sourcing of raw materials
Respect for Human Rights
Create a gender-free work environment where human rights and diversity are respected
Human Capital Through the development of human resources who support challenges, we will increase the career advancement and engagement of employees.
Occupational Safety
Health and Productivity Management
Raise the level of occupational safety and employee health in the workplace and create a safe work environment
4. Formation of a management foundation that is trusted and continues to co-create value
Corporate Governance
Financial Basis
Promote management transparency and improve the soundness of our financial base.
Information Security
Continuously review compliance and risk management to improve the effectiveness of the system.
Product Safety
quality assurance
Strengthen our product safety and quality assurance systems and enhance our trust as a manufacturing company.
DX Promotion Accelerate DX promotion, AI utilization, and digital transformation to improve adaptability to changes in the business environment and labor productivity.
Co-Creation Culture
Through building partnerships and coexisting with local communities, we will foster a corporate culture that realizes value co-creation.

Details of the new materiality (including KPIs/targets or measures for each issue) are introduced on the Company's website.
https://www. artience group.com/ja/corporate/sustainability/strategy/materiality/


artience Co., Ltd.
Corporate Communication Department
TEL: +81-3-3272-5720
MAIL: info@artiencegroup.com



