Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd.
Toyo Ink Group Integrated Report 2023 Released
TOYO INK SC HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (President and Representative Director: Satoru Takashima, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) Integrated Report "Toyo Ink Group Integrated Report 2023" has been released.
The "Toyo Ink Group Integrated Report" provides information on the Group's management strategy, business, and value creation in order to understand the Group's overall picture and value creation story, that is, what social issues the Group recognizes, how it thinks about and works to solve them, and how it is working to solve them. This report provides an integrated summary of corporate governance, environmental and social initiatives, and other topics.
This year's report focuses on "human rights" and "human resource development," which the Group has identified as key issues. These are reflected in the Group's management philosophy of "People-oriented managementIn addition, in order to enhance the Group's value creation story based on the current Medium-Term Management Plan "SIC-II" and the Sustainability Vision "TSV2050/2030," we will strengthen human capital with human resource development and diversity and inclusion as core measures. It focuses on the Group's strengths in technological capabilities accumulated over more than 120 years and the flow of solutions to social issues.
Going forward, artience is committed to proactively disclosing financial and non-financial information, including the publication of this report, with the aim of further improving communication with its stakeholders, such as shareholders and investors, employees and local communities, as well as customers and business partners with whom we collaborate in supply chains. The artience group Integrated Report 2024 is issued in the English and Japanese languages and can be downloaded in PDF format from the following links.

[Japanese version PDF download page]
The English and Chinese versions are scheduled to be released in August 2023.
<Related information>
■ About the management plan
■ About CSR activities
Corporate Communication Department
TEL: +81-3-3272-5720

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