Toyo Ink SC Holdings Co., Ltd.
Participating in the Japan Climate Initiative
TOYO INK SC Holdings Corporation (President and Representative Director Satoru Takashima, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) has joined the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI), a network aimed at realizing a decarbonized society.

JCI is a network to strengthen the dissemination of information and exchange of opinions among companies, local governments, NGOs, etc. that are actively working on climate change countermeasures, based on the declaration that Japan will participate at the forefront of the world's efforts to decarbonize. . With the G7 Sapporo Climate, Energy and Environment Ministers' Meeting just around the corner, more than 700 companies and organizations have announced their participation (as of March 2023, JCI published figures).
Toyo Ink Group has set a long-term sustainability vision of "TSV2050/2030" and is promoting its contribution as a corporate group to respond to climate change, achieve carbon neutrality, and achieve the SDGs. By announcing our participation in JCI, we will continue to work to solve medium- to long-term environmental issues through our business activities, and further contribute to the reduction of environmental impact, decarbonization, and sustainable growth of the Group, our customers, and society.
For more information about JCI, please visit the JCI website (
Corporate Communication Department
TEL: +81-3-3272-5720

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