TOYOCHEM Kawagoe Factory completes construction of “Nearly ZEB” certified technology management building
TOYOCHEM CO., LTD. (President and Representative Director Toshinori Machida, Chuo-ku, Tokyo) Kawagoe Factory (Kawagoe City, Saitama Prefecture) will build a technology management building with "Nearly ZEB" certification, which is given to buildings that have reduced actual energy consumption by 75% or more, in 2022. Construction was completed in March.
The newly completed new technology management building will become the new face of the Kawagoe Factory, combining office space for TOYOCHEM 's management, quality assurance, and technology departments, as well as communication spaces such as a cafeteria and reception room. In addition to various energy-saving measures, such as reducing the air conditioning load with horizontal eaves that suppress direct solar radiation inspired by Kawagoe's warehouse structure, the building's energy efficiency has been improved by creating energy with on-site PPA model solar panels using subsidies from the Ministry of the Environment. It reduced actual energy consumption by 76% and received the highest rating of 5 stars under the Near ZEB certification and the BELS building energy performance labeling system.

Under its medium- to long-term sustainability vision "TSV2050/2030," Toyo Ink Group is promoting its contribution as a corporate group to respond to climate change, achieve carbon neutrality, and achieve the SDGs. With the aim of realizing a world in which all consumers, life, and the global environment coexist and coexist vibrantly, we will contribute to the realization of a sustainable society by promoting the reduction of environmental impact and decarbonization in manufacturing.
■ Toyo Ink Group Sustainability Vision "TSV2050/2030"
■ Related release: Full introduction of renewable energy begins at Kyobashi head office
About Nearly ZEB
A ZEB (net zero energy building) is a building that aims to reduce the annual primary energy consumption of the building to zero while providing a comfortable indoor environment. Defined in stages.
"Nearly ZEB", which the Kawagoe Factory Technology Management Building has recently acquired, means: ➀ 50% or more reduction from standard primary energy consumption (excluding renewable energy) ➁ 75% or more and less than 100% reduction from standard primary energy consumption (including renewable energy) buildings are eligible.
(Source: Ministry of the Environment ZEB PORTAL
About BELS
BELS (Building-Housing Energy-efficiency Labeling System) is a third-party certification system for labeling the energy consumption performance of buildings, established by the Housing Performance Evaluation and Labeling Association. A five-star rating is performed based on the BEI (ratio of design primary energy consumption to standard primary energy consumption) value, and the five stars that the Kawagoe Factory Technology Management Building received is the highest rating.
(Source: Housing Performance Evaluation and Indication Association
About the on-site PPA model
PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) is a power purchase contract concluded between a power generation company and a consumer, and it is a power purchase agreement concluded between a power generation company and a consumer. This is a system in which electricity generated from power generation equipment is supplied to consumers after installation, ownership, and maintenance.
We have recently installed solar panels using a subsidy from the Ministry of the Environment aimed at reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
(Source: Ministry of the Environment, solar power generation introduction support site
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