Trade related operations

artience group develops, produces, and sells optimal products and services for each region in Japan and overseas. TOYO B-Net CO., LTD. supports the group's activities with a business stance of a global network, in order to serve as an engine for the group's evolution and growth.

Import/export business between Group Companies

We export and import a variety of graphic arts products and specialty chemical products made at our production bases around the world, including Japan, to group companies and distributors. For example, there is a case where printing inks produced at a factory of Group Companies in China is supplied to a sales company in Europe and the United States. Furthermore, we are promoting and leading the expansion of our product import/export business into regions where artience group has not previously entered.

Raw material procurement business

artience group 's products use raw materials procured from various regions including China and Asia. Based on the concept of global SCM, we procure raw materials and auxiliary materials and supply them to group production bases around the world. We place emphasis on the stable supply of high-quality products and CSR, and engage in raw material procurement activities that include information gathering.

Brokerage and sales business of non-group products and indirect materials

In order to develop business that matches the ever-changing world economic conditions, technological standards, and local needs, we do not only focus on products within artience group, but also discover products and materials from outside the group and provide them to our customers. We are also exploring various forms of business alliances and collaborations, aiming to combine the knowledge and know-how cultivated within the Group to create unique marketing activities and new business opportunities.


TOYO B-Net CO., LTD. Trade Department