Advanced edition #07 Super basic colors
If you collect data on colors in various fields such as fashion, interior design, products, and landscapes, you will find that there are colors that have been used for many years across fields, even as times change. This is called a super basic color.
It is a color that suits Japan's climate and natural features, and is also a uniquely Japanese color that is different from other countries. It is a color that has been traditionally used in Japan's differentiated lifestyle, and can be said to be a very familiar and easy-to-use color. Therefore, it is also an easy color to sell. It would be a good idea to use this perspective when creating products and spaces.
In addition, blue is also a well-established color in the product and men's fields, but it is not included because its usage in spaces and daily necessities is rather low.
You will need to think about the important colors in each field based on data.
May 29, 2019
Text by Japan Color Design Institute